Ooznest WorkBee  

Advance your Ooznest WorkBee CNC machine with our high-performance laser upgrade kits, precisely engineered to take your CNC capabilities to the next level. The Ooznest WorkBee is renowned for its reliability and precision within the CNC community. Our laser upgrades, featuring the PLH3D-XT8 laser head, allow for effortless cutting of wood up to 20mm (3/4 inch) thick, expanding your creative and practical horizons. For detailed engraving projects, the PLH3D-XT-50 head delivers unmatched precision with its 50 μm spot size. These enhancements not only optimize your WorkBee’s performance but also open up new possibilities for creativity and functionality, allowing you to tackle a broader spectrum of projects with greater accuracy.

  • XT8 45W Plug&Play Laser Kit for Ooznest WorkBee CNC


    Ooznest WorkBee PLH3D-XT8 Laser Upgrade Kit

    Specs: 45W Optical Power, HD 125DPI 180um spot, max wood cutting thickness 20mm (¾” )

    Best For: CO2-like Ultra High Speed Cutting and Engraving, Thick Materials Cutting

    Includes: Laser Head, Air Nozzle, CNC Adapter Pro, Laser Safety Glasses, Beam Cover, Mount and More.

    $1,099.00 $1,349.00 Lowest price within 30 days: $1,349.00
    In stock
  • Opt Lasers XT8 45W Laser Trade-In Program

    Specs: 45W Optical Power, HD 125DPI 180um spot, max wood cutting thickness 20mm (¾” )

    Best For: CO2-like Ultra High Speed Cutting and Engraving, Thick & Thin Materials Cutting

    Includes: PLH3D-XT8 Laser Head, PSU, CNC Adapter, Wiring, Stickers

    Compatibile with: Pick Your Machine on right, or use Universal

    $1,098.61 $1,599.00 Lowest price within 30 days: $1,599.00
    In Stock
  • XT-50 6W Plug&Play Laser Kit for Ooznest WorkBee CNC


    Ooznest WorkBee PLH3D-XT-50 Laser Upgrade Kit

    Specs: 6W Optical Power, Ultra HD 550DPI 45um spot, max wood cutting thickness 3 mm (⅛”)

    Best For: Very Detailed Engraving, Thin Materials Cutting

    Includes: Laser Head, PLH3D-CNC Adapter, Mount and Screws, PSU, Wiring, Air Nozzle, Height Reference Tool

    $649.00 $749.00 Lowest price within 30 days: $749.00
    In Stock
  • XF+ 6W Plug&Play Laser Kit for Ooznest WorkBee CNC


    Ooznest WorkBee PLH3D-6W-XF+ Laser Upgrade Kit

    Specs: 6W Optical Power, SD 85 DPI 300um spot, max wood cutting thickness 6 mm (¼”)

    Best For: Standard Engraving, Soft Materials Cutting, MultiPass Material Cutting

    Includes: Laser Head, PLH3D-CNC Adapter, Mount and Screws, PSU, Wiring, Height Reference Tool

    $549.00 $599.00 Lowest price within 30 days: $599.00
    In stock

Showing 1 - 4 of 4 items