Free Space Laser Diode Modules


Free space modules are collimated laser beam modules with single or multiple edge emitting laser diodes (LDs) inside. The collimated beam can be single mode (TEM00) for low power LDs or multimode for high power LDs. A large variety of LDs with visible light (from 400 to 700 nm) can be chosen depending on the application.

Due to the company's extensive experience in the production of laser diode modules and unique optical systems Opt Lasers can produce customized laser modules for clients specific system and applications.

Single Laser Diode Modules

Opt Lasers single laser diode modules are built using a single laser diode. These modules are available with 400 nm to 700 nm wavelengths and powers from 40mW up to 5000 mW.

The collimated output beam of SLD-Series laser diode modules is single mode (TEM00) in vertical axis (fast axis) and either single mode or multimode in horizontal direction (slow axis of laser diode). For laser diode modules with low power, few tens mW single mode edge emitting laser diodes are used. They have single mode beams in both axes (slow and fast axes). For high-power levels multimode laser diodes are used. These laser diodes have a single mode laser beam in vertical axis (fast axis) and multimode beam in horizontal direction (slow axis).

For both types of laser diodes, single mode or multimode, collimation is set to optimize laser beam divergence of vertical (fast) axis.

Single laser diode modules are equipped with active cooling, which enables high output power stability (1% peak-to-peak) and assures long life of the laser diode. The temperature controller provides an additional function of overheating protection.

The laser diode driver is integrated with the TEC controller on a single PCB. Laser Diode can be modulated with 0 - 5V Analog signal with Frequency up to 600kHz.

Laser Modules up to 5 W - Shop Category

ModulePeak Wavelength [nm]Output Power [W]Beam size [mm]Beam Divergence [mRad]
3000mW 405nm 405 3.0 3 x 3.5 0.2 x 2.4
600mW 405nm 405 0.6 3 x 3 0.2 x 0.6
1600mW 450nm 450 1.6 3 x 2.5 0.2 x 1.2
5000mW 450nm 450 5.0 7 x 8 0.2 x 1.0
1400mW 525nm 525 1.4 3.5 x 2.5 0.2 x 1.0
900mW 638nm 638 0.9 5 x 5.5 0.2 x 1.6
1100mW 659nm 659 1.1 8.5 x 9.5 0.2 x 1.6
Customized laser modules

Multiple Laser Diode Modules

Opt Lasers MLD-Series laser modules are built with multiple edge-emitting laser diodes. These series use either spatial beam combining or polarization beam combining techniques for achieving high power output beam.

Standard laser diode modules are produced with laser diodes with 400 nm to 700 nm wavelengths and power up to 20 W. Collimation is set to optimize laser beam divergence of vertical (fast) axis.

The laser diode driver of MLD-Series laser modules can be modulated with 0 - 5V analog signal with frequency up to 30kHz.

Opt Lasers offer heatsink and power supply selection to ensure the best performance of the module and client satisfaction.

Laser Modules up to 5 W - Shop Category

Laser Modules 5 W and Higher - Shop Category

ModulePeak Wavelength [nm]Output Power [W]Beam size [mm]Beam Divergence [mRad]
3.5W 405nm 405 3.5 7 x 8 0.2 x 1.9
12 W 405nm 405 12 6 x 8 0.2 x 3.8
20W 450nm 450 20 7 x 7 0.2 x 6
5.5W 525nm 525 5.5 7 x 7 0.2 x 1.7
6W 638nm 638 6 8.5 x 7.5 0.2 x 12.5
4W 659nm 659 4 8.5 x 7.5 0.2 x 12.5
Customized laser modules

I-RGB-V Laser Diode Modules

Opt Lasers I-RGB-V-Series laser modules are built with multiple edge emitting laser diodes inside. These series use spatial, polarization, and spectral beam combining techniques for achieving both high quality and power output beams. Below are presented the most common I-RGB-V light laser diode modules. However, it is possible to design over 10 000 different customized laser modules to satisfy the most demanding clients.

This series of laser diode modules uses spectral beam combining optics for combining laser beams with different wavelengths. We can combine light from different laser diodes in the range from 375 nm up to 808 nm as long as there is a spectral gap of more than 25 nm between two individual wavelengths.

Opt Lasers offer multimode high power optical fiber, heatsink, and power supply selection to ensure the best performance of the module.

Multiwavelength Laser Modules - Shop Category

ModulePeak Wavelength [nm]Output Power [W]Beam size [mm]Beam Divergence [mRad]
300mW Micro RGB 450 | 520 | 638 0.08 | 0.07 | 0.15 3.0 x 1.2 1.0 x 1.3
4 W Mini RGB 450 | 520 | 638 1.1 | 1.0 | 1.5 5.5 x 5.5 1.0 x 1.8
4 W RGB 450 | 520 | 638 1.1 | 1.0 | 1.5 5.5 x 5.5 1.0 x 1.8
Customized laser modules