CNC Manufacturers Hub

CNC Manufacturers: Enhance Your Machines with State-of-the-Art Laser Kits from Opt Lasers

At Opt Lasers, we empower CNC manufacturers to elevate their offerings and efficiency with our advanced laser kits. Our laser attachments seamlessly integrate with various CNC machines, allowing you to expand your machine’s capabilities without the need for new software or extensive training.

What Your Customers Gain with Our Laser Kits

Expanded Capabilities for CNC Machines

    • Expanded Machine Functionality: Expand your customers' capabilities with the ability to efficiently process diverse materials such as wood, leather, textiles, plastics, and many more.
    • Precision Angular Cuts: Allow your customers to achieve precise cuts at 90° angles, enhancing projects without requiring additional tools.
    • Micro-Detailing: Enable your customers to perform precise detailing work that is difficult with conventional milling, such as precise cutting and engraving of small details.

Expanded Capabilities for CNC Machines

Seamless Integration and Support

    • Ease of Use with Existing Software: Our lasers seamlessly integrate with existing CNC controls, saving your customers time and resources.
    • Single Source Purchase: Offer the convenience of buying both CNC machine and laser from one source, simplifying procurement for customers.
    • Warranty Security: Our laser systems seamlessly integrate without voiding warranties, reassuring customers and reducing risk.
    • Extended Lifespan: Offer lasers that promise durability and longevity, minimizing downtime and maintenance costs.
    • Post-Warranty Support: Your customers can rely on continued support after the warranty period, ensuring they receive assistance when needed.

Seamless Integration and Support

Embrace the Future with Opt Lasers

Our commitment at Opt Lasers is not just to provide you with a product but to forge a partnership that helps propel your business forward in the competitive landscape of CNC manufacturing. With our cutting-edge technology, comprehensive support, and collaborative approach, we are dedicated to helping you achieve new levels of success.

Let’s redefine the boundaries of what’s possible in CNC machining together. Explore the potential with Opt Lasers today – where technology meets craftsmanship.

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Strategic Advantages for Our CNC Manufacturing Partners

Business Growth and Market Opportunities

    • Popularity of Laser Attachments: Customers are more likely to purchase machines when they know that they can either add a laser immediately or have the option to easily integrate one later.
    • Marketing Support: Benefit from targeted marketing initiatives such as social media posts, which not only highlight our partnership but also draw attention to your machines equipped with our lasers.
    • Financial and Operational Flexibility: Utilize our laser kits within your company for demonstration or internal purposes. We support larger orders with the option to pay in installments, easing financial pressures and facilitating smoother cash flow.

Business Growth and Market Opportunities

Cutting-Edge Technology for Unparalleled Precision and Performance

    • Innovative Laser Technology: By partnering with us, you align your brand with groundbreaking technological advancements.
    • Customization and Co-branding Opportunities: We offer extensive customization options that allow you to tailor our products to better fit the specific needs and preferences of your customers.
    • Lower Returns and Repairs: Our high-quality products significantly reduce the likelihood of returns and repairs, ensuring greater customer satisfaction and fewer after-sales service issues.

Cutting-Edge Technology for Unparalleled Precision and Performance

Enhanced Partnership Opportunities for Strategic Success

    • Custom Pricing and Bundling Options: Better meet market demands with custom pricing strategies and the option to bundle our lasers as a core part of your product lineup.
    • Prominent Partner Listing and Category: Increase your visibility through our online platforms with a dedicated category in our online store and a direct link back to your site.
    • Experienced Laser Technology Partner: Leverage our expertise as a pioneer in the laser engraving market to enhance your product offerings and technical knowledge.

Enhanced Partnership Opportunities for Strategic Success

Our Story, Our Drive, Our Vision

With over a decade of experience in the industry since our establishment in 2014, Opt Lasers proudly stand as pioneers in laser technology. We hold the distinction of being the world's first company to produce blue laser engravers, setting a new standard for precision and efficiency. At Opt Lasers, we don't just follow trends; we create them. Our team comprises skilled engineers and PhDs dedicated to pushing the boundaries of laser technology. Equipped with state-of-the-art laser laboratories and CNC workshops, we continue to lead the way in multidiode laser head development.

Our commitment to innovation is reflected in our patented solutions, revolutionizing the landscape of laser engraving. As trailblazers in the use of blue lasers for engraving, we consistently deliver cutting-edge products that redefine industry standards.

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CNC Manufacturers Who Placed Their Trust in Us

Click to see Opt Lasers products made for our Partners.


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