CNC Laser Project Showcase for Inspiration

Laser Cutter and Engraver

We are amazed by the projects you make with our laser engraving heads. The artwork you send us is a source of the best inspiration and motivates us to keep creating and improving our products. They are also a great inspiration for other makers. They are the ones that benefit from the fruit of your talents. What tools do you use in your work? What materials? Which techniques? Can you share even more photos and videos with us? Please send them to us by e-mail. We will publish the most interesting materials on our website and social media profiles.

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Creators' Artwork and Their History


It brings delight at first sight! Every piece of Kasia's work on ceramic tiles arouses great interest and hundreds of likes on Facebook groups. Using her PLH3D-XT-50, Kasia and her talent is able to express every little detail. Kasia creates her artwork predominantly using the Norton method and she shares it on Facebook.

XT-50 Ceramics Engraving by Kasia
XT-50 Ceramics Engraving by Kasia

RevXS Customs

From Author: "Started back in around 2008 building my own Radio control cars using an old box of Tamiya parts that were left in the roof that Dad had been given. From there starting building more complex builds adapting off-shelf parts to work with the ideas in my head. Over that time, Cad Design,3D Printing, and also CNC have become a huge part of these custom builds with CAD giving me a way to get the vision out of my head onto a program that could show me if my ideas will work. While Custom RC cars are the main thing I do design anything and creating is a good break from the RC world, which is where the Opt Lasers system comes into play to allow me to do a lot of custom wood engraved projects such as this clock"

PLH3D-6W-XF+ with uSpot

JN Woodworks

Jim has been creating various amazing artwork using his PLH3D-15W, and more recently the PLH3D-XT-50. The work on the right was done on a 16" x 13" piece of 0.125" plywood. On his Youtube channel, you can find demonstrations of both laser heads with extensive commentary. Laser cutting, laser engraving, and in-depth testing of many parameters as well as a wealth of knowledge have made Jim one of the foremost experts among PLH3D laser head owners.

PLH3D-15W Plywood Cutting by JN Woodworks


Peter creates many interesting motifs using different materials, including various types of wood. An example CNCPaja's artwork shown on the right depicts a rally driver he wanted to commemorate. On his channel, you can find his whole setup with PLH3D-XF+ head along with accessories like uSpot Lens and Air Assist.

PLH3D-15W Plywood Cutting

Andre Alexander

Andre creates a variety of paintings in plywood and MDF, often referencing futuristic graphics. He pays great attention to detail and documents all his work by describing the parameters used. From the Author: "I did this lasering with my CNC and UCCNC laser plugin. This was done on plywood and treated with borax. I'm using a High-Performance StepCraft Laser Upgrade Kit with PLH3D-6W-XF + Uspot lens and 70 liters of air. "

PLH3D-6W-XF+ Plywood Cutting and Engraving by Andre Alexander
PLH3D-6W-XF+ Plywood Cutting and Engraving by Andre Alexander

Karol Piotr

Karol Piotr creates work in wood as well as stone, felt, and whatever he finds interesting. Attention to detail is evident in his presentation of the scientific patents. He has been creating CNC laser projects for over 3 years with his PLH3D-XF+ laser head.

PLH3D-6W-XF+ Plywood Cutting and Engraving by Karol Piotr
PLH3D-6W-XF+ Plywood Cutting and Engraving by Karol Piotr


From Author: “Had a handful of used cigar boxes I picked up for $1. Makes some nice thin plywood for Opt Lasers projects. Made a key tag for my business!”

PLH3D-15W Plywood Cutting

Jaden’s WoodShop

Jaden creates kitchen fixtures and puts the final touch on them with his PLH3D-6W-XF+ laser head. From Author: "My new cutting board design is made from maple! Laser engraved with a juice groove!"

PLH3D-6W-XF+ Plywood Cutting and Engraving by Jaden
PLH3D-6W-XF+ Plywood Cutting and Engraving by Jaden

How to Choose an Appropriate CNC Machine Upgrade Kit for a Particular CNC Machine?

Especially for you, we have prepared a website that guides the users through the process of selecting a laser head and then leads to the appropriate set for your CNC machine. Click the button below to visit this website.

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