LEAD and WorkBee Laser Upgrade - PLH3D-CNC Adapter Settings
The PLH3D-CNC Adapter should have the “0” program set. A detailed description can be found in the CNC Adapter Manual on the Opt Lasers’ website.
How to Check Enable Option in PLH3D-CNC Adapter
Note: After turning the key switch On, the current Enable Option setting will be displayed with indication LEDs for a second. Applicable for PLH3D-CNC adapter sold after 20-July-2020. For older version of PLH3D-CNC Adapter please follow the instruction below.
A. Turn the key switch OFF.
B. Press and hold the mode button.
C. Turn the key switch ON while holding the aforementioned button.
D. Wait approximately one second until any LED is lit and release the button.
E. LEDs will show a combination corresponding to the current setting. Do not press Mode button again.
F. To quit without saving, wait for five seconds until Power LED is lit or turn the switch key off.
How to Set Enable Option in PLH3D-CNC Adapter
I. Turn the key switch OFF.
II. Press and hold the mode button.
III. Turn the key switch ON while holding the aforementioned button.
IV. Wait approximately one second until any LED is lit and release the button.
V. LEDs will show a combination corresponding to the current setting.
VI. To step to the next setting, press the mode button once. Keep pressing the mode button till you find the settings that you wish to be set.
VII. To save the current setting, wait five seconds with the button released. To quit without saving, turn the key switch off before five seconds elapse.
The chosen setting is kept in non-volatile memory and remains unchanged during power-off.